I've had endo for 25 yrs, and have gone thru every route of treatment. I also have three healthy boys/young men.
1. For success, it is IMPERATIVE that you find an Endo specialist. Do not, do not, do not go to a "regular" Ob/Gyn. Only an Endo Specialist has the skill to excise the endo properly. Ask your insurance for an Endo Specialist in-network, or check out the scoop here:
2. Yes, currently the only way Endo is diagnosed is via laparoscopy. Its not a tough surgery, but it ought not be taken so lightly either (like someone mentioned) because really, it is surgery. An Endo expert would perform it correctly (as opposed to regular Ob/Gyns who often spread the disease with their tools).
3. Current Treatments for Endo:
(a). Pain killers. They usually start with Anaprox and if pain & duration increases go up to Vicodin, Percocet, etc. They up the dosage when the intensity and length of pain increases. Prep yourself...ready?...its not uncommon for women with advanced (stage IV) endo to be in pain 25+ days a month. Breathe. Doesn't mean it will happen to you. If you STILL have endo pain after many, many years and surgeries, go to a Pain Management Center where metered doses of morphine are given under supervision. You would have to have a pretty severe case for this.
(b). Birth Control Pills. At first they were used to lighten periods. More commonly now, low-dose continuous birth control pills are prescribed to completely prevent menstration. Used in conjunction with a Lap, this is a great way to ward off infertility: Just think, the endo sites are cut back during the lap, and then the pills keep you from cycling and forming any more sites. Just come off the pills when you are ready to conceive. Reality dose: don't wait till your forties to conceive -- with endo, that might be too late.
(c). Lupron. It scratches at my heart to even type the name. This controversial med (many are trying to get it pulled off the market due to its side-effects) actually tricks your body into menopause and theoretically shrinks the endo sites. That kind of hormonal Russian roulette wrecks havoc on emotions and mental health. Many women have gone into severe depression as a result, myself included. Saddest part is, when you come off the Lupron (must after 6 months due to bone loss) the Endo comes back with a VENGENCE. Although Lupron works for some, there are many out there who would warn you to not go this route as it can make you crazy. For real. In endo circles, its referred to as "the devil".
(d). Hysterectomy. This is not really a treatment anymore, it used to be. Its not a treatment anymore because it actually doesn't work if there is still endo somewhere (like trapped in bowels or intestines where its hard to get at).
(e). Excision via Laparoscopy. Most effective treatment. Best time to get pregnant is shortly after Lap. If you're not ready for baby right then, stall off periods till you're ready. More periods, more possible endo development. Sorry to tell you doll, but it likes to come back. Dunno why, it just does. Pain from lap is just a couple days. They pump your abd up with CO2 to separate organs and see better, so post-op the CO2 rises to your shoulders and thats uncomfortable. Massage helps. You're all better a week after the Lap.
4. Things You Can Do To Help Yourself:
Meditation - to relax & breathe your way thru cramps; Visualization - i imagine blue fairies inside me that fly to the spot and heal it (wacko? um yeah, i had Lupron); Yoga - the stretches really help; eating right - get an Endo book to steer you away from the wrong foods and products (chemicals = bad); Track your pain - helps the doctor see pattern; Educate yourself - read up on Endo, making sure to check out who published it (hint: don't pay attention to stuff written by drug companies); Release your frustration - via exercise, leaning on friends, therapy, whatever.
5. Don't Give Up - if you tell yourself that its hopeless, nothing helps, you'll never feel good again -- YOUR BRAIN WILL HEAR THIS and pay attention. Try to stay positive and hang in there. Someday, I just know it, someday we'll have a cure.
My heart goes out to you as you come to terms with the disease. My arms go out to you to hug you with sympathy and comaraderie.