What is autism? What are the symptoms?
2007-06-11 14:21:20 UTC
What is autism? What are the symptoms?
Five answers:
2007-06-12 05:41:04 UTC
Hello Haily,

Thank you for your query. A picture is worth a thousand words. Do visit:-

You already have received detailed responses so far. To summarize, Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neuro-biological condition, the cause of which is not yet fully known. It is generally assumed that autism has complex genetic links combined with environmental triggers. It is a spectrum and people with autism may be mildly or severely affected depending on where in the continuum there conditions lie. Autism has been on epidemic rise, currently affecting 1 in every 166 children. It is generally diagnosed at the age of three.

As for the symptoms, I'll quote from a contributor named Smart Kat.

"The top three signs of autism are;

1. Social Impairment such as;

a. No eye contact, pointing, or gestures to communicate.

b. Doesn't show off items. "Look at what I have!" type behaviour, or otherwise share interest or enjoyment with others.

2. Impairments in Communication such as;

a. Delay in, or total lack of speech

b. Or with Asperger's, marked impairment in the

ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others.

3. Repetitive movements, patterns of behavior & interests such as;

a. Hand-flapping, rocking, etc.

b. Obsessions with objects or parts of objects.

c. Prefers to organize or line up items rather than actually "play" with them.

d. Inflexible adherence to routines & rituals. (My niece will throw a fit if the bus driver doesn't stop at every normal stop even if the child at that particular stop didn't come to school that day, therefore doesn't need to be dropped off.

There is not blood test, brain scan, or genetic testing that can determine if a child is autistic. Observation is necessary."

There already exist at Y!A a number of posts that contain the exactly the same contents of your own query, however. You may like to check the responses posted there, too.

Best wishes,

Mother of a child with autism.
Brooke A
2007-06-11 22:23:08 UTC
Autism is a developmental disability that results from a disorder of the human nervous system. According to the DSM, it manifests "before the age of three years” and is marked by delays in "social interaction, language as used in social communication, or symbolic or imaginative play.” Autism, and the other four pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), are all considered to be nerodevelopmental disorders and are often viewed on a continuum known as the autism spectrum disorders. These include: autistic disorder, Rett’s disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, asperger’s syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, or PDDNOS. Autism spectrum disorder is an increasingly popular term that refers to a broad definition of autism including the classic form of the disorder as well as closely related conditions such as PDD-NOS and Asperger's syndrome. Although the classic form of autism can be easily distinguished from other forms of autism spectrum disorder, the terms are often used interchangeably. There is a division among doctors on the use of the term PDD. Many use the term PDD as a short way of saying PDDNOS. Others use the general category label of PDD because they are hesitant to diagnose very young children with a specific type of PDD, such as autism. Both approaches contribute to confusion about the term, because the term PDD actually refers to a category of disorders and is not a diagnostic label.

In my experience as a behavior consultant, the best advice I have heard was "Once you have met one person with autism, you have done just that: met one person with autism." Autism, just as indiviudal comes in 'all shapes and sizes.'
2007-06-11 22:17:52 UTC
Hi Haily,

I'm a mom with a son with autism. We're lucky because he only has a touch of it, just enough to make him eccentric and charming, but it forced me to learn a lot about autism, it's treatments and ramifications for adult life. Now I work part time for the Autism Society of America, Santa Barbara Chapter. We have a great website at that can answer general questions, or you can go to the OASIS website for more specific and in-depth answers at Asperger's Syndrome is a form of high-functioning autism - they call it the Little Professor syndrome. You have probably already met someone like this - poor body language and eye contact, obsessed with a single subject, rigid views, scary smart but gets hung up on simple things that NN's (neurologically normals) handle easily. They often have poor filtering - distracted by noise, print, smells, or a tag in their shirt. They often "stim", head-shaking, hand-wringing, etc. some kind of repetitive motion that seems to relax them. With early detection and intervention, they can understand why they are different and come to adjust and accommodate their challenges and surprise and delight us with their gifts, but untreated... they often withdraw and are lost to suicide or marginalized.

Many specialists believe Einstein and Newton were both Aspies. Einstein didn't speak until he was 4 and cut off all the cuffs of his shirts for years. And that hair...! Unfortunatly, the Unibomber might also have been an Aspie - so that shows you what a wide range of behaviors these individuals are capable of.

No one knows what causes this neurological syndrome. Hearings are being held as we type about possible triggers from mercury in vaccines, but others believe it is inherited. It sure runs in my family! We've always had these special people, but the incidence has increased exponentially in the last 40 years. One child in 150 is now born with some form of autism, with no change in the diagnostic criteria. The support systems in place, the schools, county regional centers, and medical community, are being CRUSHED by the influx of families asking for help. I encourage you to follow your interest and learn more about these amazing individuals. Thanks for asking
2007-06-11 22:17:09 UTC
RDI® Program 5.0 Answering a Child's Questions about Autism

Last month, Dr. Gutstein received a letter from David, a 10 year old boy who is on the autism spectrum. He was diagnosed at the age of 3, and recently his parents started discussing autism with him, in terms of giving it a label. This year, David is in Grade 5 at school, and part of his education is self-directed research projects. He decided to do his current research on autism. Although David had several books on the subject, the students were required to write to an expert in the field and David posed a number of excellent questions in an email to Dr. Gutstein. David and his parents thought Dr. Gutstein's answers might also be helpful to other children, so with their permission we are reprinting Dr. Gutstein's reply.

Dear David,

Thank you so much for your questions. They were excellent and I hope I can help you to answer them. Here I go:

* What is Autism?

Autism is a type of a learning disability. That means that some types of information is harder for your brain to process than it would be for other people. Many people have learning disabilities. I have an Attention Deficit Disorder. That is a type of learning disability where, if the information is not interesting enough for me I have trouble paying attention to it. I take a medicine called Ritalin to help me do better. The learning disability caused by autism is different than mine and there is no medicine that makes it go away. People with Autism have trouble when there is too much information that they have to understand at the same time. They also have trouble when information changes too quickly and they have to make sense of all the new information and decide which changes are important and which are not. Since people change more quickly than anything else on the planet earth, persons with Autism sometimes have trouble making sense of what other people are thinking and feeling or are trying to communicate.

* Where does Autism come from?

Some problems have one single cause. Other problems may be caused by several different things that are not working as well as they should be. Autism is in the second group. People may have the Autism learning disability for a number of different reasons. But we do know that you and your parents did not cause Autism. The cause was something that happened in your brain before you were born. But however it began, your brain is not developing the type of connections it needs to solve all the different problems that you need to learn to solve.

* What makes Autism better or worse?

The main thing that makes Autism better is if we can teach your brain to work in a more connected way. It is helpful to think of your brain not as one single computer, but as hundreds of different computers that need to talk to each other all the time to work really well. That is what we call a network. We believe that when you have Autism, all the computers may be working well, but they are not networking as well as they should be. If we can teach them to communicate better with each other then we can make the autism better.

* How many people have Autism?

The latest information from the Center for Disease Control, which is the government agency that tries to figure out these things, is that about 1 out of every 150 people have some type of Autism.

* What kind of help can people get when they have Autism?

Well the type of help I invented, called Relationship Development Intervention®, or the RDI Program for short, teaches parents to be teachers to their children. Parents learn to teach their children how to make sense of the type of information that is hard for people with Autism. It can be hard work. But children with Autism learn to think in a new way and thinking is the best way we know to teach our brains to work better. So as you learn to think in new ways you are actually changing your brain!

* How do people behave when they have Autism?

There is no one way that people behave when they have Autism. Some people with Autism are very quiet while others are loud. Some people with Autism act out in class and some have perfect behavior. Some people with Autism like to eat everything and others are very picky eaters.

* Does Autism ever go away?

That is a tricky question. As I said before, I have Attention Deficit Disorder. I have had it my whole life and I do not think it will ever go away. But it does not bother me very much. It does not keep me from doing the job I like to do. It does not keep me from having good friends and a great family. So I don't really worry about it going away. That is how I feel about Autism. It doesn't really matter if it goes away or not. It is more important that people with Autism can have a good life and achieve all the goals that they make for themselves. That is what I think can happen.

I hope my answers helped you with your report. Thank you again for writing to me.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Steven Gutstein


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2007-06-12 21:40:16 UTC
I'm autistic and I'll try to answer this for you, but try reading writing by other autistics for even more information. The library is a good place to start. (I've used this answer before for the same question, so you may have seen it around Yahoo Answers in the past.) I use "we" and "us" to refer to the others in the autistic community and me. As far as I know, you aren't autistic.

Being autistic means that one has a neurological configuration different from the norm (those of us in the autistic community call non-autistics neurotypicals or NTs). It doesn't mean that one is wired defectively, just differently.

Our senses are different from NT senses: we tend to be either hypo- or hyper- sensitive to sensory stimuli of different sorts, have an increased incidence of synesthesia (a crossing between senses, to use an example from my experience, the ring of a telephone looks like a red spiraling corkscrew), have difficulty parsing speech (central auditory processing disorder), hear pitches that most people can't, and have difficulty reading text because of various visual processing issues collectively known as Irlen Syndrome. (Those aren't all of the sensory oddities autistics can have, just a few of the most common.) Some of our sensory sensitivities can put us at a disadvantage in a society designed for NTs - for example, many of us can see fluorescent flicker, which can result in anything from minor irritation, to headaches, to falling asleep. We do something called stimming, which includes things like flapping our hands, rocking back and forth, listening to the same piece of music repeatedly, and jumping up and down. This allows us to deal with sensory stimuli so that we don't become overloaded, and also lets us get the extra stimulation we may need. Lots of NTs try to stop us from stimming, but while bigots may dislike it, it's necessary for us to function in this world.

Most NTs and many autistics think that being autistic means that one has poor social skills and lacks empathy. In reality, we have autistic social skills and so have trouble interacting with NTs, but are usually just fine with other autistics. While NT social interaction generally takes the form of intrusive give and take interactions, we do better in parallel. We can be successful with NTs, so long as they are willing to do their half of the work to communicate with us, and we can have trouble interacting with other autistics if they have been trained to pretend to be NT or if we have not been allowed opportunities to interact with our own kind, but as a general rule we're better at interacting with other autistics, just as NTs are better at interacting with other NTs. We're also just fine at empathizing with other autistics, and no more lacking in empathy than neurotypicals. Most normal-brained people have difficulty empathizing with autistics. That's why they bully us, why they think that a particular therapy (ABA) that invalidates who we are and tries to replace us with a neurotypical person is helpful, and why they so often excuse the murder of autistics. (Not saying that all neurotypicals are like that, just that many are.)

We also tend to have 1-3 very intense interests, called perseverations. Mine is autism, specifically autistic advocacy, if you couldn't tell already. *g* These are a good thing, and we need to have time to focus on these interests. Monologuing on them isn't bad, in fact, it's one of the parts of natural autistic interaction. If one can't do that, though, it doesn't mean that they're non-autistic. I'm the same way with sharing my interests through speech, I learned to hide them from the time I was about 8 years old. I just don't consider that a good thing, since I would like to be able to discuss my perseverations in real life and not just online.

Oh, and we tend to have difficulties with spoken communication as well, though some of us are eventually fine with it. We're almost always better with text than with speech and usually have trouble with telephones. We have trouble with the figurative language that NTs use, often have trouble with slang, are straightforward in our words, and are often echolalic, meaning that we repeat things that we've heard over and over again.

So far, it seems that autism is genetic - our parents tend to have autistic traits themselves, and we usually have relatives on the autistic spectrum. Autism is not mercury poisoning, and not food allergies. We are more prone to things like allergies than NTs, and we may act differently when those allergies are treated, but we're still just as autistic as we were.

Also, I highly recommend reading all the way through and reading some of the entries in You'll both get more information on autism and learn that autistics, even those designated "low-functioning" (I don't believe that functioning levels are useful myself) don't necessarily want to be cured.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.