The other day, I was asleep completely, but saw my rm n saw myself convulsing for 5 to 10 seconds. I have ear problems (hyperacusis n tinnitus, from a past perforated eardrum) n tons of pressure was going on with my ears when this happened. Okay, so sometimes, like earlier today, I am pretty sure I am not sleepy enough to go to sleep, will be awake, n all the sudden my brain feels a lot more pressure (I've had pressure n pain in my head for yrs, plus migraines etc), n like a sudden hit feeling. Also a strange numbness. I have neuropathy, not sure if that's from it. Then when this happens, there's a one second lapse or something, with the extra pressure hitting feeling. Happened a few times today, My ear muscles were contracting along with the loud bus engine noises, this happens from noises with my ear disorder. I don't know how often this particular thing has happened but seems to more on the bus. Would this possibly be an absence seizure or some sort? Like I have had many seizure episodes while sleeping, n also while in a halfawake state, where sleeping but awake. N could this be my brain falling asleep from all the ear problems, brain being exhausted, while I'm awake, or what? Also like absence seizures are known to have,the ear problems n severe pain will cause me to zone out while twitching including my mouth twitching weirdly.I've dealt with tons of pain so its difficult to explain.I also have nystagmus,some noises causing it worse than others