Degenerate disc??
2007-04-13 06:34:01 UTC
i am 23 had back sugery 7 years ago now i have a degenerate disc...... what is the best way to slow the disease down or possibly reverse??
22 answers:
2007-04-13 06:44:41 UTC
I'm 37 and had back surgery when I was 24 for degenerative disc...I have had very few problems since the surgery. The MRI's showed that I had 3 bad discs, one of which they removed. One of the others is in my thoracic area, so they rarely do surgery there.

Stay in shape so that you do not carry extra weight...strengthen your stomach muscles so your body depends more on them than your back muscles.

Good luck!
2015-08-24 12:52:12 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


Degenerate disc??

i am 23 had back sugery 7 years ago now i have a degenerate disc...... what is the best way to slow the disease down or possibly reverse??
2014-09-16 06:00:51 UTC

Though sciatica is a common problem, it is really surprising that often it is hard to tell why a person suffers from this ailment. This is why it is often referred to as a back pain complex. Even experienced doctors find it difficult to pinpoint a cause. Number of medical conditions lead to sciatica such as stress and trauma at any point on spinal cord or lower back. This is understandable but when a person feels this pain and the underlying causes are as general as obesity or pregnancy, it presents a vague picture to the doctor. There can be many more underlying causes that require supervision and treatment at the right time.

For more info and details about natural treatments visit:

2016-03-19 04:03:52 UTC
DDD is degenerative disc disease and part of the normal aging process. As we age the nice cushioned discs between our vertebra start to dehydrate. Some people go through the process with no pain while others have pain, the reason, no one knows. As long as the discs are complete: you have not damage them, like disc bulge, then really nothing anyone can do except wait for the discs to completely dehydrate. Best of Luck
2016-02-16 16:24:02 UTC
High blood levels of glucose can cause several problems, including frequent urination, excessive thirst, hunger, fatigue, weight loss, and blurry vision. However, because type 2 diabetes develops slowly, some people with high blood sugar experience no symptoms at all. How to treat diabetes naturally

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes:

Increased thirst

Increased urination

Weight loss in spite of increased appetite




Patients with type 1 diabetes usually develop symptoms over a short period of time, and the condition is often diagnosed in an emergency setting.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes:

Increased thirst

Increased urination

Increased appetite


Blurred vision

Slow-healing infections

Impotence in men

If you think you have diabetes i think you should have a checkup and speak with your doctor just in case.
2014-09-18 17:34:34 UTC
Hey there,

In most cases, erectile dysfunction is caused by something physical. Sometimes it's caused by psycological problems. The brain plays a key role in triggering the series of physical events that cause an erection, starting with feelings of sexual excitement.You can learn more about this problem and about natural remedies here It's an eye opening site!
2014-08-29 21:18:58 UTC

Studies have shown that once you hit 40 years of age without the proper nutrients and exercises your body will age about 6 months EXTRA for every year that passes!

I'm following this program by Steve and Becky Hokan called Oldschoolnewbody:

They teach you how to look younger without drugs, creams or supplements. Their system is 100% natural: there are specific ways to move, eat and think that tell your brain to stop the aging process and there are many things to avoid if you finally want to achieve your ideal body.

If you want to slow down or reverse the aging process you can follow this famous method by Steve and Becky Holman:

They teach you how to force your brain to stop the aging process with no drugs and no supplements. There are also things that you have to avoid to look younger and achieve your ideal body (check their site for more information)

Hope it helps.
2016-02-10 20:46:11 UTC
Using herbal remedies along with making lifestyles changes, finding support, and practicing relaxation techniques can help make your anxiety more manageable. Learn here

Everyone experiences some form of mild anxiety in their everyday life. However, people with anxiety disorders frequently experience intense, excessive, and persistent fears and worries in regards to everyday situations. These feelings of anxiety, which can start early in life and can continue into adulthood, interfere with daily activities.
2017-03-07 12:41:23 UTC
consume uncooked vegetables not really deep-fried
2014-08-05 19:04:59 UTC

I can guarantee that improving eyesight without surgery (which I don't trust) is possible. I'm following this method and I'm seeing very good results.

I have been using it for years

Hope it helps.
2016-05-14 19:13:19 UTC
If you have no concept on how to cook tasty meals. If you are boarded of the identical meals and want to try out anything various but in the identical time healthy than you require a program
2016-02-26 19:07:58 UTC
Add protein powder to fairly sweet recipes (like these Rice Krispies treats) to further improve the nutrition.
2016-04-17 14:26:20 UTC
Add protein powder to special recipes (like these Rice Krispies treats) to enhance the nutrition.
2016-02-10 23:28:55 UTC
Salt causes bloating and butter is elevated in calories, so flavor pasta, cereal, meat, and stews with fresh herbs, garlic, and onions as a substitute.
2016-12-28 05:13:58 UTC
When doing cookies, bake half the batch and scoop the remainder into ice-cube trays. When your sweet tooth kicks in, pop out one and bake it in order to meet your craving without breaking your calorie bank.
2016-06-04 04:59:17 UTC
If you determined in studying to talk Chinese then you must now that the best alternative is a Course for Mandarin.
2016-05-03 02:13:00 UTC
Start off examining on fitness/nutrition publications
2007-04-13 06:44:45 UTC
Thats nasty, sorry to hear that..I suppose yoga would be very good for that condition.. And also what Rosie C said.. Geez I nearly fell asleep reading that..
2016-06-10 20:40:30 UTC
Sip one these protein smoothies that are special enough for dessert.
2016-02-21 16:11:08 UTC
Cary the motivational picture along
2016-01-23 15:12:28 UTC
Nosh on these post-workout snacks to stop undoing all your hard do the job.
2007-04-13 06:53:13 UTC
Degenerative disc disease is when the disc become deformed or become radiculopathy with radiculopathic changes and with spinal stenosis. Further neurological damage can be maintained via surgery esp if there is considerable calcium deposits. Nerves can be regenerated. Reversal of disc herniation is possible with chiropractic care. Physical therapy is impt.

As we age, our discs lose their flexibility and the ligaments that surround the disc become brittle. By age 60, this disease is an expected finding on a MRI scan. However Degenerative Disc Disease also affects many young adults. MRI scans have documented that approximately 30% of 30 year olds have signs of disc degeneration even though they have no back pain symptoms. But people don't have to live with back pain, there are options that can help control the

pain and, in some cases, completely eliminate it.

If we put aside genetic components just for the time being - up until now degenerative back and neck conditions are said to be simply caused by normal “aging,” and the patient may or may not be told as they continue to “age” the condition might worsen. Treatment thus becomes one of years-long “management” of symptoms because everyone knows you can’t stop the aging process. (Or can you?) Management includes various physical therapies, exercise plans, sometimes diets for those who are overweight, drugs, and multiple types of semi-invasive diagnostic and/or surgical procedures, with occasionally, some decent pain treatment.

A diet of high protein, high animal fats and low carbohydrates is essential. This is the short version. for this program of reversing the degnerative disc disease process. The following is a long, long version which I find to be very valuable: This is a compilation of long research materials. I tried to condense but afraid it would lose some vital info.

Program to Reverse Degenerative Back Disease

Nearly all of the popular alternative medicine recommendations intended to reverse degenerative disc disease actually make it worse as many unhappy sufferers can testify. Two good examples are exercise and Yoga. Exercises do not rebuild the back. Yoga does not rebuild the back for reasons explained below. A vegetarian diet will make back problems worse, not better, as many sufferers have sadly found.

The following steps are required to reverse degenerative disc disease. Do not pick or choose only one or a few of the following steps while ignoring the others. Eliminating one or more of these steps will most likely make this program completely ineffective.

Step 1 - Shut Down the Catabolic Hormones.

Most people have heard that adrenalin and cortisol tend to pep you up and make you ready to fight, but they do not have a clue as to the destructiveness of these catabolic hormones to the body, especially the spine (neck and back). Most professional medical doctors, nutritionists, physical therapists, chiropractors, naturopathic practitioners, Chinese medicine practitioners and others do not understand the connection between diet, catabolic hormones and degenerative back disease. Therefore, they will not understand or agree with this program.

One of the major reasons for degenerative back and neck disease is a diet high in carbohydrates. The high-carbohydrate diet can cause a spike in the blood insulin level which triggers an increase in the catabolic hormones causing the body to literally eat itself. Unfortunately, the spine is the first to suffer when the catabolic hormones scavenge the protein from the spine for redirection to the legs and arms as needed in a "fight or flight" emergency response. A catabolic metabolic state is brought on by hyperinsulinemia (high blood insulin level) after the excess consumption of carbohydrates in people with insulin resistance. Prescription drugs cannot prevent bone loss in the presence of these powerful catabolic hormones that are produced by the body during hyperinsulinemia. Taking drugs that promise to prevent osteoporosis will not work. The diet suggested here is vital for the body's rebuilding of bones and the prevention of bone loss.

Hyperinsulinemia also causes the excretion of magnesium and calcium in the urine. The high-carbohydrate diet recommended by the USDA Food Guide Pyramid actually leads to hyperinsulinemia and degenerative disc disease. The bones are literally flushed out of the body in the urine resulting in the current epidemic of osteoporosis we are currently witnessing in all English-speaking countries. Women are more at risk because they avoid meat and fat. Women tend to follow official diet recommendations more closely than men. This causes women to eat more carbohydrates than men, and therefore, suffer more from osteoporosis, diabetes and cancers that are not related to smoking. Women are the primary dietary leaders in the home. They generally do the supermarket shopping and cooking. This trend is destroying the health of the entire family as seen in the recent obesity epidemic in both children and adults.

In summary, a high-carbohydrate diet as recommended by the USDA Food Guide Pyramid and vegetarians causes insulin resistance that leads to hyperinsulinemia. A scientific study of these adrenal hormones proves that carbohydrates cause bone loss, osteoporosis and degenerative spine disease because the high-insulin response causes an increase in cortisol and adrenalin. An excessively high cortisol level causes the demineralization of bones. Eating whole grains, sugar, honey, fruit, fruit juice, fructose, lactose and starches causes osteoporosis and degenerative spine disease. Milk and yogurt do not prevent osteoporosis. These high lactose (sugar) foods are actually a part of the problem. Hard cheeses are very good for the bones because they contain lots of good protein and fat without any lactose.

The Instant Osteoporosis Cycle

The author has coined the synonym "Instant Osteoporosis Cycle" (IOC) to describe the sudden onset and escalation of osteoporosis. This occurs in the cycle between hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and diabetes (high blood sugar). Hypoglycemia is caused by insulin resistance of the cells during which time the pancreas produces a high level of insulin to force glucose into the cells. The insulin stays at an abnormally high level which triggers the adrenal gland to secrete cortisol and adrenalin in an attempt to force the insulin level down. Cortisol and adrenalin are very strong catabolic hormones, meaning they are involved in breaking down body tissue. This catabolic action on the bones causes bone loss, osteoporosis and degenerative disk disease in as little as one year. Once diabetes becomes full blown, the pancreas stops producing insulin and the cycle stops, but insulin injections can cause the same effect. Very obese females receive some degree of protection because body fat produces estrogen which is one of the anabolic hormones that stimulate the building up of the body. This is the reason hormone replacement therapy is claimed to protect the bones. However, the estrogen effect is marginal at best and not the suggested method of preventing osteoporosis. Eating protein and fat while avoiding carbohydrates induces the production of the hormone glucagon which is the best way to protect bones. Eating carbohydrates like sugar, honey, whole grains, starches and fruit causes osteoporosis.

Preventing Osteoporosis, Bone Loss, Hip Fractures & Degenerative Disk Disease.

Absolute Scientific Proof Carbohydrates Are Pathogenic.

Eating a low-carbohydrate diet brings unhealthy body processes caused by insulin, adrenalin and cortisol to a screeching halt. All humans react in the same way. People are not different from each another as the myth implies. The variable among people is the amount of damage already done to the body by carbohydrates and insulin. This damage is incorrectly diagnosed as genetic.

The scientific proof that insulin causes many "age-related" diseases is beyond question, yet the professional medical practitioners rarely measure the insulin level in patients. Most diabetics have never had their insulin level measured by their doctor. Professional heart disease organizations rarely mention insulin as a heart disease risk or promote a low-insulin diet as a method of preventing heart disease. The carbohydrate - glucose - insulin cycle is getting away with mass murder while these professional organizations are saying, "Don't eat red meat or saturated fat." A few brave individuals like Dr. Robert C. Atkins and Drs. Michael and Mary Dan Eades have promoted the science of health while enduring a constant assault from professional organizations like the American Heart Association (AHA) and American Medical Association (AMA). Professional medicine almost universally ignores mountains of scientific evidence in favor of unproven myths.

Top Ten Nutritional Myths, Distortions and Lies That Will Destroy Your Health.

Reversing Heart Disease, Heart Attack, Coronary Artery Disease, Stent, HDL and LDL Cholesterol Success Stories.

Proof Saturated Fats Are Healthy.

The diet program presented here will positively stop the body's production of the destructive hormones, adrenalin and cortisol. Follow the high-protein, high-fat and low-carbohydrate diet program presented on the following link.

Nutrition, Healing, Health, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate & Cholesterol Science.

Don't bother reading any further if you are a vegetarian or if you refuse to eat the high-protein, high-fat, low-carbohydrate bodybuilding diet recommended here.

Step 2 - Stop Taking Immune System Suppressing Drugs

Immunosuppressant corticosteroid drugs are commonly prescribed for the treatment of several dozen autoimmune diseases including Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus. These drugs can cause degenerative disc disease. Corticosteroid drugs suppress the immune system and, therefore, increases the frequency or severity of infections and decreases the effectiveness of vaccines and antibiotics. Corticosteroid drugs may cause osteoporosis that results in fractures of bones in as little as one year. These drugs must not be taken if degenerative disc disease is to be avoided. These immunosuppressant drugs are very powerful and will most certainly overpower the treatment presented here. You should discuss the side effects of the drugs you are taking with your doctor and follow the necessary steps to stop taking the drug.

Symptoms of autoimmune diseases are triggered in flare-ups because of certain offensive foods in the diet. Most sufferers live in a constant state of a flare-up because they don't know which foods in their diets are offensive. These foods must be discontinued and a proper autoimmune disease diet followed religiously in order to get off the immunosuppressant drugs. Fortunately the proper diet for controlling autoimmune diseases and preventing degenerative disc disease are almost identical. The following web pages provide a detailed description of autoimmune diseases and the diet to be followed.

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, IBD, IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, Candida & Others.

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus and Autoimmune Diet Program.

Step 3 - Eat a High-Protein and High-Fat Diet

Vegetarians continue to blame red meat and saturated fat for osteoporosis and degenerative disc disease, but one of the biggest secrets in the nutrition-health debate is the epidemic of degenerative spine disease among vegetarians. This trend is most notable in long-term religious vegetarians like Seventh-Day Adventists. The destruction of the bones gives the appearance that the disease is "age-related" because it takes many years. This is not true. People taking immunosuppressant drugs frequently develop degenerative disc disease as early as age 25.

The tensile strength of vertebrae depends on the collagen matrix that is made of protein, not the calcium and magnesium mineral deposits in the bone. The ligaments, tendons and muscles are all made entirely from protein and fat. Eating a diet high in protein from red meat, fish, fowl, seafood and hard cheese will produce strong bones, ligaments, tendons and muscles that prevents and reverses degenerative spine disease. Professional bodybuilders are the most popular promoters of a high-protein diet. It is a long established scientific fact that protein is essential to build and heal bones, tendons, ligaments and muscle. Muscles are not made from fruit and vegetables. You cannot reverse degenerative disc disease by eating whole grains, soy, legumes, starches, carbohydrates, sugar, fruit and vegetables, or by consuming high-lactose drinks like cows' milk, rice milk or soy milk. The diet presented here to assist in reversing degenerative disc disease consists primarily of animal protein and animal fats obtained by eating fresh red meat, fish, fowl, seafood and shellfish. A few low-carbohydrate vegetables are allowed simply to make one feel psychologically normal.

Nutrition, Healing, Health, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate & Cholesterol Science.

High-Protein, High-Fat and Low-Carbohydrate Diet for Bodybuilding

High-Protein, High-fat Breakfast

Two eggs fried in refined coconut oil topped with Swiss cheese. Half an avocado. Tomato juice with one level teaspoon L-glutamine amino acid, one heaping teaspoon of low-carb whey protein powder and one cap of colloidal minerals. One tablespoon Carlson's lemon flavored cod liver oil. Vitamins, minerals and supplements.

High-Protein, High-fat Lunch

Baked chicken leg and thigh with tomatoes. Reverse osmosis water. Eat all the skin. Dip the meat in the melted fat in the bottom of the baking dish. Spoon and drink all of the remaining fat. Vitamins, minerals and supplements.

High-Protein, High-fat Dinner

7-bone beef roast cooked in a Crock-pot with diced tomatoes. Eat all the fat. The au jus cup on the plate is full of fat drippings. Dip the meat in the fat. Drink all of the remaining fat. Reverse osmosis drinking water. Vitamins, minerals and supplements.

High-Protein, High-fat Breakfast

100% ground beef high-fat burger that is 73% lean fried in coconut oil topped with Swiss cheese. Add fried mushrooms and boiled asparagus. Pour the pan fat back onto the burger before serving. Two thick squares of real butter not shown were eaten with the asparagus. Reverse osmosis water, potassium chloride salt substitute, vitamins, minerals and supplements.

High-Protein, High-fat Lunch

Gas-grilled lamb riblets cook to rare only. The meat and fat inside are basically raw. Excess grilling simply melts the fat away leaving very little meat. Raw red peppers and tomatoes. Reverse osmosis water, cod liver oil, potassium chloride salt substitute, vitamins, minerals and supplements.

High-Protein, High-fat Dinner

Baked farm-raised salmon fillet with boiled asparagus. Always enjoy lots of real butter on cooked vegetables. Reverse osmosis water, potassium chloride salt substitute, vitamins, minerals and supplements.

The body is not made from carbohydrates as found in whole grains, fruit, sugar, honey, milk, cereals, pasta, bread, or starchy vegetables like potatoes. The scientific dietary requirement for carbohydrates in the diet is zero, none. The "daily value" (DV) of carbohydrates as shown on food nutritional labels is scientifically false and harmful in actual practice. The percentage of carbohydrates in the diet for optimal health is zero, none. The amount of carbohydrates in the back bones, ligaments, nerves, tendons and muscles is zero, none. All carbohydrate foods are empty calories. No carbohydrates are good for you. Don't believe the "good carbs - bad carbs" chant that is pure nonsense. Some carbohydrates are bad, and the rest are dreadful. The zero carbohydrate diet that Eskimos have eaten for centuries before the appearance of white men has proven this scientific fact. Professional health and dietary organizations consistently ignore the harmful effects of carbohydrates and lie about the health benefits of red meat and saturated animal fats. This is why obesity, cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disease and degenerative disc disease are all epidemic disasters that threaten the economic bankruptcy of all English-speaking countries.

Eskimos Prove An All Meat Diet Provides Excellent Health.

Step 4 - Human Growth Hormone Boost Using Amino Acid Therapy

Bodybuilders eat a high-protein diet and supplement the diet with additional protein powder in order to build body mass, muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones. This practice has been proven to be correct over several decades of testing and refinement in the diets of millions of bodybuilders. The science behind the high-protein diet confirms the results found in actual practice.

Ketogenic, Low-Carbohydrate Diet for Bodybuilders.

Meat provides the full compliment of all essential and non essential amino acids needed to heal the back and spine without adding undesirable carbohydrates to the diet. Vegetarian foods such as whole grains, soy and legumes do not fulfill these requirements and are unacceptable substitutes.

Bodybuilders typically eat a lot of meat as a high-quality protein source. They also supplement the diet with protein powder drinks and shakes. Whey protein powder contains all of the essential and non essential amino acids necessary to build a healthy spine. The product listed below is made from the whey protein of cows' milk. All of the lactose (milk sugar) has been stripped from the product during manufacture. It is pre-digested using special healthy bacteria to breakdown the protein molecules into the individual amino acids and branch-chain amino acids. The amino acids can pass through the intestinal-blood barrier in the human intestinal tract to quickly become available for healing the body and building bone collagen, ligaments, tendons and muscles. Extra L-glutamine (glutamine) amino acid is also recommended.

Protein and L-Glutamine Drink. Prepare a drink made with whey amino acid protein powder which is enriched with extra glutamine amino acid. The protein powder consists of a full compliment of amino acid isolates that heal the body and require no digestion. Prepare the drink by blending 8 to 16 oz of reverse osmosis with UV lamp water or unsweetened, low-sodium tomato juice with 1 heaping teaspoon (12 gm) of whey protein powder plus 1 rounded teaspoon (8 gm) of glutamine amino acid powder. Stirring vigorously with the teaspoon is sufficient. The whey protein must be specified on the carton as isolates from cross flow microfiltration and ion-exchange, ultrafiltered concentrate, low molecular weight and partially hydrolyzed whey protein peptides rich in branched chain amino acids and glutamine peptides. The low-carbohydrate type at one gm per scoop or less is best, but it should not be more than four to five gm of carbohydrates per scoop. Do not substitute protein from soy, egg, casein or any other source. Sugar or any other sweetener is unacceptable. Use the "natural flavor" without additives. This amino acid drink can be enjoyed anytime, with or without a meal. Amino acids are food that build and maintain the body. Refrigerate whey protein powder, and discard if it is old. Whey protein powder can cause some gas and can cause an unusual "full" feeling. Discontinue the whey protein powder if the reactions are unpleasant. Continue to take the glutamine powder.

L-Glutamine Amino Acid.

Ultimate Lo Carb Whey Powder - Natural Flavor by Biochem.

Amino Acids - The Building Blocks of Life and Healing.

This combinations amino acids have been shown to provide the following healing properties:

Amino acids are good chelators of positively charged minerals, especially calcium that hardens the arteries.

Provides pain killing effects by healing the nervous system.

Absorption of body building amino acids without requiring digestion.

Stimulates insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) which functions similar to insulin and enhances protein synthesis and healing.

Fights infections by stimulating the immune system. All immune cells are made from poly-peptides of amino acids.

Provides bone growth of protein collagen and strengthens bones. Poor digestion has been shown to cause osteoporosis and degenerative bone disease.

Provides all of the amino acids required to heal and grow ligaments, tendons, joints, muscles, intestinal tract, heart muscle and all other organs of the body.

Prevents hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) symptoms in people with hypoglycemia or diabetes.

Amino acids are also used by the body to create human growth hormone. The creation of human growth hormone in the elderly is very limited. Therefore, you must supplement the diet with the addition of these amino acids to give an extra boost to the body. A protein deficiency is one of the major causes of degenerative disc disease. The body cannibalizes amino acids from the spine when searching for amino acids to satisfy other body functions.

Warning! Many products are sold with claims that they boost the human growth hormone. Most of these claims are false. The human growth hormone is large and cannot be taken orally because the large molecule cannot pass through the intestinal-blood barrier of the gut. The body simply digests the hormone breaking it down into the individual amino acids from which it is made. Supplemental products containing HGH (human growth hormone) are a fraud. They do not work. Injections of synthetic human growth hormone were thought to be a great anti-aging discovery. The injected hormone did perform miracles, but it was soon discovered that it also caused many types of cancer. Do not take HGH supplements or HGH injections.

Step 5 - Take Do-it-Yourself Stem Cell Therapy

Yes, you can take do-it-yourself stem cell therapy. Doctors and the US Food and Drug Administration (USDA) are very much against these types of do-it-yourself treatments in the same way they are against all do-it-yourself alternative medicine. The USDA resisted giving the product recommended here an approval as a therapeutic drug. This has turned out to be a great advantage because we can now buy it without a doctor's prescription. So the research company that developed this stem cell product simply began selling it as a "nutritional supplement." You can order it on the Internet without a doctor's prescription. It is safe and very easy to take orally. It is shipped via one-day express in a special insulated box kept frozen with dry ice.

Most stem cell claims are lies that will never be fulfilled. Stem cells will not cause you to grow a new back. Stem cells will not grow a new disc that has been totally devoured as a result of hormone cannibalism. Stem cells will not overpower catabolic hormones, protein deficiencies, fat deficiencies, the high-carbohydrate diet, poor posture, bad working conditions and improper bedding, but the stem cells recommended here will help reverse degenerative disc disease.

The following page identifies the myths, lies and scams surrounding the stem cell topic. Research results have been faked. Universities and research organizations are scrambling to get a share of the hundreds of millions of dollars from the governments of the United States and other countries worldwide.

Top Ten Embryonic Stem Cell and Human Cloning Research Claims, Promises, Facts, Expectations, Exaggerations, Hype and Myths.

However, research has developed some stem cells that do encourage your existing cells to heal, regenerate, multiply and propagate. These stem cells are to be taken to help reverse degeneration of the spine. The stem cells to be taken are called bovine embryonic mesenchymal cells or mesenchyme. A liquid molecular extract from bovine adrenal glands is included to for enhancing adrenal function. The following link provides more detailed information on the stem cells to be taken and a suggested Internet source.

BioPathics: Mesenchyme-Little Known Rejuvenating Healer.

"The result is regeneration or replacement of the damaged cells. The implications for speedy and full recovery from everything from broken bones to herniated discs are enormous. We now have the potential to create healing where there was previously no hope of recovery. Later in this article, you'll hear how one of the authors restored severely herniated discs that should have required surgical fusion, as well as greatly accelerated recovery from a ruptured Achilles tendon.

Interestingly, the mechanism for organ formation from mesenchymal cells is still present in some adult animal species. For example, it is the presence of mesenchymal cells that allows a salamander to regenerate its tail if cut off. In the human adult, the only mechanism where these cells normally function is in the healing of wounds (NaturPharm


The mesenchyme available on the market in the U.S. is made from bovine embryonic mesenchymal cells. The cells are harvested from pregnant cattle destined for slaughter and subsequent human consumption. Only healthy fetuses from healthy cattle are used. Because mesenchyme is, by definition, undifferentiated fetal cellular material, it has not yet developed immune markers. It is therefore accepted by the human host without provoking an attack by the immune system and can freely work its magic on any number of physical injuries and traumas.

Mesenchyme has the ability to migrate to any tissue in need of repair and, once at the site, to take on the characteristics of the healthy cell it associates with. When mesenchyme is next to cartilage, it becomes cartilage and replaces or repairs damaged cartilage. This is true for organ tissues too: for example, when it is next to kidney mesenchyme becomes kidney. If one has damaged cells from a broken bone, mesenchyme associates itself with the wounded tissue, assumes the specific characteristics of that type of bone, and begins to repair the damaged tissue and create new bone cells. It sounds incredible, but much research has verified this unique action. Thus, mesenchyme has great potential in regenerating diseased or injured tissues of all kinds (van den Bos 1997).

The use of mesenchyme as a therapeutic substance arises from experiments conducted early in the 20th century by Dr. Alexis Carrel, 1912 Nobel Laureate in Biology, who demonstrated that organic tissues could be regenerated in vitro by the addition of fresh younger cells to the culture medium. In the 1930s, the Swiss endocrinologist Dr. Paul Niehans developed a technique for extracting cells from animals and injecting them into his patients to compensate for their bodies' deficiencies (Niehans 1960). One of the types of cell he found most beneficial was mesenchyme.

Mesenchyme used in conjunction with other whole cells and cellular extracts was popular in Europe during the 1960s and 1970s. Many well-known celebrities and politicians visited reputable clinics and spas, including Dr. Niehans' Clinique La Prairie in Clarens, Switzerland, to receive live cell therapy. Notables such as Charles de Gaulle, Charlie Chaplin and Sir Winston Churchill were just a few of the wealthy, powerful and famous figures of the last century who went to these spas for live cell therapy, which included mesenchyme as a basic part of the rejuvenation process.

What makes mesenchyme so unique, special, and efficient is the fact that it is composed of pluripotential cells, also known as mesenchymal stem cells, which have the ability to become almost any kind of tissue or organ. Embryologically, all connective and supportive tissues arise from mesenchymal cells (Corliss 1976). The versatility of these pluripotential cells allows them to form cartilage, bone, muscle, connective tissue, and organ tissue (van den Bos 1997).

In all mammals mesenchyme eventually differentiates into three embryonic tissues - the endoderm, the mesoderm, and the ectoderm (Moore 1989). During embryonic development, these three primitive cell types differentiate into all the body's organs and tissues. The endoderm forms the linings of the digestive and respiratory tracts. The mesoderm develops into muscle, connective tissues, bone, and blood vessels. The ectoderm differentiates into the epidermis and the nervous system. A portion of the mesenchyme remains in the placenta and the yolk sac surrounding the embryo in the fetus. It is this mesenchyme that is carefully separated to become the commercially available product."

The product to be taken can be obtained from many sources, but the following link is a good source at a reasonable price:

XtraCell CF Support by Douglas Laboratories

XtraCell CF Support 24 vials by Atrium BioTechnologies (Previously named CF Support NatCell by Atrium BioTechnologies)

CF Support contains a mixture of two patented extracts combined in a scientific formula to support healthy adrenal functions and maintain homeostasis. Atrium Biotechnologies has developed a patented biotechnological process to isolate and concentrate molecules in their most natural state.

Features and Benefits:

Nutritional support for a healthy adrenal function

Helps regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis

Increases cellular metabolic activity by 166% in vitro

Organ-specific glandular substances

Preservative free, 100% natural

CF Support contains two patented fresh-cell extracts combined in a scientific formula for nutritional support in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The molecular extracts from adrenal and mesenchyme are highly bio-available and of the highest quality available on the market today. Glandular substances are organspecific rather than species specific. This means that glandular substances of animal origin have enough genetic similarity without antibody resistance to be able to assist similar cells in the human body.

NatCell Adrenal is a liquid molecular extract from bovine adrenal glands. Enhancing adrenal function is an important goal in CFS. Low adrenal function was first proposed as a cause of Chronic Fatigue over 50 years ago. Debilitating fatigue is one of the major symptoms of low or altered adrenal function.

Bio-available molecular extracts of bovine adrenal may help support healthy adrenal function in humans. NatCell Mesenchyme is a liquid molecular extract from foetal bovine source.

Mesenchyme is composed of pleuripotential cells, also known as mesenchymal stem cells. These cells have the ability to become almost any kind of cell; during the embryological development these cells form organ tissues, connective tissue, nervous system, etc. In-vitro essays have established that the molecular fraction of NatCell Mesenchyme not only increases cellular proliferation but also increases cellular metabolism. Thus, bioavailable molecular extract of mesenchyme may be of nutritional support to maintain homeostasis.

Step 6 - Horizontal Traction Therapy

Traction is a medical term used to describe equipment that places the body in tension. The back suffers greatly from the constant compression forces endured during a normal day's activities. Sleep brings about a rest period where the compression is relieved, but rarely is the neck or back placed in tension. The vertebrae, discs and facet joints all suffer under the constant compression forces. Compression prevents the discs from hydrating (absorbing water) properly. Nutrients cannot enter the disc easily while under this compressive stress.

The traction machine recommended here can easily be used at home without assistance. It will greatly help to restore hydration to the lumbar discs that are located between the vertebrae. The tension does not pull the disc away from the adjacent vertebra because the discs are attached. The tension on the disc reverses the detrimental effects of compression. The tension is very effective because the discs normally experience very little tension. They are primarily compression components in the spine.

Don't be fooled by ineffective traction machines. Over-the-door and other overhead traction devices are ineffective. They barely support the weight of the upper body and do not place the back under the higher tension required. Vertical traction devices are not acceptable.

The following horizontal traction machine is a very good product that provides the proper amount of tension on the back. A gage measures the exact tension being applied. It is easy to use without assistance. The high quality carrying case included allows the user to take the unit to the workplace, on vacation, or on employment trips. This traction unit requires no electrical connection. It can be used anyplace where the user has a comfortable place to lie horizontally on a firm, not soft, surface. A carpeted floor is an ideal location. The carpet keeps the machine in place. The traction machine should not be used on a bed.

Saunders Hometrac Deluxe Lumbar Traction Device.

The purchasing cost of the Saunders Hometrac Deluxe Lumbar Traction Device could possibly be covered by insurance or Medicare for those living in the United States. Difficulty may arise in getting the doctor, physical therapist or chiropractor to process the necessary insurance paperwork, especially when they are not supportive of this program.

Medical doctors are not likely to be supportive of this program, and they may oppose the use of a traction device by the patient at home. Medical doctors are more likely to recommend surgical procedures where the discs are replaced with synthetic units or transplantation using a disc taken from a cadaver (a dead person). The vertebrae surgery may include titanium plates and screws. The risks of complications and side effects are very high. Many people have more pain, discomfort and physical restrictions after healing from these surgical procedures than before surgery.

Physical therapists are not likely to give a prescription or submit paperwork to your insurance company or Medicare for a traction unit fearing his services would become unnecessary. The traction device can be used at home several times a day, if desired, but a patient simply cannot visit the physical therapist every day and certainly not multiple times a day.

Visiting a chiropractor is the best way to obtain some useful "adjustments" to the spine and to obtain a traction device through your insurance company or Medicare. However, you must be certain the chiropractor accepts patients with insurance or Medicare. Some chiropractors may hesitate getting the traction device for you fearing it would result in the loss of your business. You must proceed with caution. Assure the chiropractor you intend to continue with his treatments after receiving the traction device. The chiropractic adjustments can also be beneficial. He will also be available to answer any question about the use of the device. Go to a different chiropractor if you are not successful in getting a traction device through his office, or simply purchase one yourself.

The Saunders' traction device is very powerful. Large males should start at 60 pounds for only five minutes. Use a kitchen timer to accurately control the time limit. Women should start at 40 pounds for only five minutes. Do not use excessive tension or increase the time. The ligaments in the back become tired and over-stressed in the same manner as when you try to extend your arm for a long period of time. The symptoms of excessive stress will be a dull ache that appears about one hour after the treatment and could last for several hours or a day. Start at lower tensions to be certain the treatment does not increase your discomfort level significantly, although a slightly higher discomfort level may normally appear about an hour after treatment and last for several hours. Start with one traction session per day in mid-afternoon or evening. Proceed to two sessions per day, one in mid-afternoon and one just before bedtime.

Step 7 - Proper Posture and Work Station Ergonomics

Proper posture requires a person to stand and sit upright with the shoulders back and the head balanced on the neck and spine. The average head weighs 12 pounds (5.5 kg) so carrying the head off balance places strain on discs, ligaments, tendons and muscles. The prevention of spinal misalignment is very important. Trying to support the body in an awkward position places stress on the entire spine and causes "hidden injuries." You may feel considerable discomfort when trying to assume a proper posture because of existing neck or back problems. A proper posture has the upper body supported on the discs and the facet joints without tension in any of the back muscles. You can easily find this balance point by relaxing your back muscles while tilting your upper body forward, backward and side to side. The back muscles must be used to "catch" the upper body as it falls off balance.

Stand Up Straight. Sit Up Straight.

Bad Posture is a Bad Habit.

A "body forward" position is one of the most common contributing factors that cause degenerative disc disease and prevent recovery. The weight of the body is carried by the discs and facet joints when in the balanced position. A body forward position transfers the load from the facet joints to the discs. The muscles at the posterior of the back go into tension to prevent the body from tilting farther forward. This muscle tension is an added load on the discs. It can double or triple the compression load on the discs. The resulting thinning of the discs under the added constant compression load reduces the clearance space for nerve roots that exit from the spinal cord between the vertebrae near the posterior side of the back on either side. The pinched nerve roots cause pain and tingling in the legs, feet and toes or other areas. This is a "catch-22" situation. Now the body cannot be raised into the balanced position without an increase in pain. Elderly people can be seen walking with an extremely body forward posture as a result of disc thinning. The entire program presented here enables the discs to increase in thickness and hydration, thereby relieving the pressure on the nerve roots. A proper posture is possible again after the pain has been reduced. The improved posture aids in hydration of the discs and the downward spiral into degenerative disc disease is reversed.

Walking Posture - The treatment present here will allow the sufferer of degenerative disc disease to improve his posture by walking in a more upright manner. The shoulders should be back and the head upright. The head and upper body forward posture must be eliminated by a strong conscious effort. Poor posture is a bad habit that must be broken by strong determination. The treatment presented here allows a return to proper posture without the pain that caused the poor posture in the first place. Walk with the eyes looking straight toward the horizon, not down toward the toes or ground. Look for obstacles well ahead and glance downward only for a moment when necessary to navigate the obstacle. Walking down stairs is a special case where bending slightly forward and focusing the eyes on the steps is more important. In daily activity the head should be upright with the eyes focused toward the horizon, the back straight and the shoulders back. Do not walk along with the head and shoulders slumped forward while looking at the ground.

Sitting Posture - A person should sit with the hips back against the back of the chair, the head upright and the shoulders back. The chair back should be slopped backward at an angle of 3 to 4 inches in 12 inches. This can be measured by standing a large book vertical on the chair seat with the bottom of the book spine against the back of the chair. Measure up 12 inches and measure the gap between the book and the back of the chair. A chair back that is too vertical is bad because the user must sits with the hips forward, a curve in the lumbar area of the back and the head bent forward. Slumping in a chair is another common example of a poor sitting posture and a bad habit. A conscious effort must be made to sit properly. Purchase new furniture that allows proper sitting posture, and dispose of furniture that harms the sitting posture.

General Posture - Many activities are generally done with the body bent forward and the head down. These activities must be changed or stopped. Stand up straight and look at the wall while showering and dressing. Don't slump over reading material, laptop computers, sewing, cooking, crafts or hobbies. Move the television up on a stand or entertainment center so viewing can be done by looking well ahead or horizontally. Always be aware of your posture to make corrections. Observe your posture continually throughout the day in order to correct bad posture habits.

Sleeping Posture - The posture in bed can be bad even though the person is sleeping on a very good mattress as described below. Never sleep in a fetal position with the body curled forward and the head in a forward position while sleeping on one's side. A conscious effort must be made to keep the back straight or slightly concaved. The head should be placed on the pillow with the neck straight above the shoulders or held slightly backward. The pillow will tend to hold the head in position. Upon waking the body must be repositioned because the body typically reverts back into the fetal position from habit. Alternate sleeping on both sides and the back, but never sleep on the stomach. Proper sleeping posture is very important. Do not dismiss lightly the need to improve sleeping posture.

Ergonomics is the study of the working environment compared to the capability of the human body. Ergonomics covers all aspects of a job, from the physical stresses it places on joints, muscles, nerves, tendons, bones and the like, to environmental factors which can affect hearing, vision, and general comfort and health. Work stations and job functions that are not ergonomically designed can cause a constant head and upper body forward working condition. Many jobs require the worker to lean forward to see computer screens, assemble parts, or perform other functions in order to perform the required job. The work station must be redesigned to eliminate bad posture if degenerative disc disease is to be avoided. In many cases the person must change assignments or employment in order to avoid the harmful working environment. Don't expect the employer to provide an ergonomically healthy workstation. You must take action to see that your health is not comprised.

Step 8 - Proper Bed, Mattress and Pillow

We spend at least one third of our lives in bed. Therefore, sleeping in a proper bed is extremely important in maintaining the health of the neck and spine. The horizontal position of the body while in bed finally allows the constant compression load on the neck and back to be relieved.

The bed should provide a firm support for the entire spine, and a small pillow should be used to support the head. The mattress should be constructed with coil springs that are tied together by a continuous support innerspring to share and distribute the load. The best mattress is described as "firm" with a "pillow top." The firm springs provide a desirable foundation because they are tied together to resist uneven loads of the body. The pillow top provides a softer surface for comfort while the spring system maintains good support. The following mattress meets these requirements.

Serta Desert Willow Pillow Top Mattress and Box Spring Set.

The pillow under the head should be relatively soft in order to compress to about 1 to 2 inches (25 to 50 mm) while sleeping. A firm or high pillow must never be used because it places the head in a forward position and places a compression load on the discs. Using two or more pillows under the head and shoulders to raise the upper body should never be used as a sleeping position. This bad bed posture is often shown on TV during mattress advertisements.

The following beds are not acceptable since they do not give adequate support. Unfortunately, these mattresses seem to be gaining in popularity.

Water beds are not acceptable. Water beds increase stress on the weakest parts of the spine and neck.

Air supported mattresses are not acceptable. They cause the same problems as water beds.

Independent coil mattresses are not acceptable. They cause the same problems as water beds. Never buy the type of mattress shown in advertisements where a young woman is jumping up and down on one end of the mattress while a nearly full glass of wine remains upright at the other, or a mattress shown in advertisements where a bowling ball is dropped n one area of the mattress without depressing adjacent areas.

Memory foam mattresses are not acceptable. They cause the same problems as water beds.

Adjustable motorized frame beds are not acceptable. They lift the upper body into a position that places the lumbar discs in compression.

Sleeping in a reclining chair is not acceptable. The angle of incline keeps the back and neck in constant compression. Overweight people have sleep apnea and breathing difficulties during sleep because the weight of the abdominal fat presses against the diaphragm. Sleeping in a reclining chair allows easier breathing but harms the back and neck.

Thick pillows or double stacked pillows are not acceptable. They cause a head forward position and increase the compression load on the cervical and thoracic discs.

Step 9 - Chiropractic Manipulation Adjustments

Conventional chiropractic manipulations and adjustments are recommended as discussed above. The chiropractor should take before and after X-rays to detect the health of the back and the thickness of each disc. This is very important for diagnosis and to judge the success of this complex program; although, reduced pain and discomfort is proof that you will instantly appreciate and proof that nobody can deny. One appointment per week should be appropriate, although the chiropractor may try to get you to come in twice a week in the beginning. The frequency can be reduced to once every two weeks after the first two months and can be reduced later to one a month after the fourth month.

Standard manipulation opens the facet joints. The snapping noises are caused when the joints open. This treatment allows nutrients and fluids to heal and lubricate the joints. The standard manipulation also stretches the ligaments, tendons and muscles to help relieve cramping and tightness thereby allowing the spine to return to a normal alignment. The nerves that may be pinched or impacted are also relieved. The back assumes a more normal alignment, and the manipulation may bring instant relief.

Warning! Not all chiropractic manipulations are helpful. Some are very unhealthy and dangerous. The standard manipulations done on a horizontal table are acceptable. Do not allow treatments that seem to make your condition worse. Treatments that place weights into a harness on the head or body while standing vertically must NEVER be used. The weights place a higher than normal compressive load on the discs. The treatment with weight is exactly opposite to the treatment needed. Just say no and be firm in your conviction. Leave the chiropractors office and never go back. No treatment is better than bad treatment.

Some standard manipulations can be done to an excess causing additional straining of the ligaments, tendons and muscles. Communicate with the chiropractor. Ask him to change, reduce or discontinue adjustments in those areas that are made worse. Manipulations done in healthy areas of the spine may be more harmful than helpful. A full spinal manipulation may not be necessary. Do not allow the chiropractor to perform manipulations in areas that already feel strong, flexible and pain free.

Chiropractors typically say that reversing of degenerative disc disease is not possible. The only hope expressed to the patient is for the prevention of farther deterioration. Do not expect simple chiropractic treatments to produce the awesome results proven by the program presented here.

Step 10 - Hand Held Personal Vibrating Massager

The use of a hand held personal vibrating massager can be very beneficial for alleviating cramping and tightness caused by fatigue and strain of the ligaments and tendons. The very high speed vibrations increases blood flow in a localized area that produces a calming effect and encourages healing. Do not confuse this therapy with those of a massage therapist whose motions are very slow and painful. Pain is not gain. Discontinue the use of the vibrating massager if it produces increased pain or discomfort. Use the vibrating massager whenever cramping or tightness is felt or before bedtime.

The best type of vibrating massager is multi-speed or variable speed up to 6000 vibrations per minute. Heating is also beneficial, but the unit listed below does not heat. The handle should allow the user to reach all areas of the neck and back easily.

Theraspa™ Turbo Brookstone Massager - Brookstone sku # 467977

The TheraSpa Turbo Brookstone Massager offers total muscle relief with one of the most powerful personal massages available. This is one massage experience that you will never forget!

The Brookstone TheraSpa Turbo Massager features a 90°, 180° and 270° rotating massage head.

Do not use a roller type massager with slow action. Do not bother using a massage type chain or recliner. They generally produce motion that is too slow and not localized enough to produce the desired effect.

Step 11 - Expectations, Starting Journal and Follow-up Program Requirements

The expectations and measurements of progress are very important in order to be successful in reversing degenerative disc disease. The following topics will help you in planning and measuring your progress. Success always builds confidence and leads to further success.

Expectations - This program will show weekly progress that you can measure by comparing your pain levels, activity restrictions and overall comfort to that of the previous week. Daily progress should not be expected, but any set-back should not be dismissed lightly. Overuse of the traction machine or incorrect chiropractic manipulations can cause a set-back. These should be corrected immediately.

Journal - Write a "Starting Journal" before you begin anything else. The journal should describe your present condition in great detail. Update your journal each week during the first four weeks in order to compare your weekly condition against your previous and starting journal entries. In this way you can accurately measure your progress. Your "Starting Journal" should include the following topics.

Enter facts such as the date, existing diseases, previous diet philosophy, prescription drugs being taken, etc.

Enter detailed descriptions of your pains, activity restrictions and discomfort levels experienced during typical daily activities such as walking, sitting, driving a car, job, recreation and sleeping.

Enter a number representing the pain level from 0 to 10. Ten is sever pain that is almost unbearable. Zero is feeling wonderfully normal without any pain or discomfort whatsoever.

Enter the location of the pain, nerve tingling, ache, cramp or discomfort. Use a scientific chart to attempt to identify the location in the spine that causes the pain or discomfort. Your chiropractor will be of great assistance in the correct identification of the source. Ask your chiropractor for a chart or picture showing all of the major components of the spine. Your chiropractor will tell you which nerve root, ligament, tendon or muscle is the source of the pain, tingling, cramping or discomfort.

Follow-up Program - Write a completely new journal entry every month with all of the detailed information listed for the "Starting Journal." The "Monthly Journal" will help to prevent slippage back into your old life style. Compare these entries to the previous month and to the "Starting Journal" entries in order to measure your progress. You must not revert back to your old way of life simply because you begin to feel better. Doing so most likely will cause your pain, discomfort and degenerative disc disease to return. Staying healthy and pain free requires a life-long commitment and control of your treatment program. The following are a few follow-up guidelines and restrictions.

The high-fat, high-protein and low-carbohydrate diet required by this program is an absolute life-long requirement. Health will suffer directly with the percentage of carbohydrates reintroduced back into the diet.

Insulin, adrenalin and cortisol hormones must be strictly controlled by the diet program presented here.

Prescription immunosuppressant drugs must be strictly avoided in order to prevent the return of severe degenerative disc disease. There is nothing you can do to overpower the devastating effects of these drugs. The diet program presented here has a strong and positive effect in reducing the negative symptoms of autoimmune diseases.

Traction should be an ongoing treatment either daily or every other day.

Chiropractic manipulation many be helpful on a monthly or semi-monthly basis.

Step 12 - Pitfalls, Cautions and Warnings About Temptations That Cause Failure

Don't slack off from the program here simply because you are beginning to feel better. The follow-on program must be continued even when you are feeling wonderfully well in order to stay that way.

Carbohydrates are extremely addictive. Very few people understand this. People will give up wheat products by switching to rice or oat grains without experiencing any addictive withdrawal symptoms whatsoever. This is because all grains are very high in carbohydrates. The monkey on your back will raise its ugly head immediately when you cut your carbohydrate intake severely as required by the diet program presented here. The reasons people use as an excuse to continue to eat carbohydrates are unlimited. Don't come up with a new excuse. Bite the bullet and control your addiction. One must have a high level of self-control, commitment and determination in order to resist carbohydrate addictions. Severely negative side effects can be experienced when carbohydrate are withdrawn from the diet depending on the amount of damage done to the body by the previous high-carbohydrate diet. Diabetics are a good example, but these side effects can be overcome. Read the following web pages in order to gain an understanding about the withdrawal symptoms of carbohydrate addiction and how to overcome and control them.

Diabetes - The Cause, Prevention, Treatment and Control of Hypoglycemia and Type 1 & 2 Diabetes.

Reversing Heart Disease, Heart Attack, Coronary Artery Disease, Stent, HDL and LDL Cholesterol Success Stories

Cancer - The Cause, Prevention, Treatment, Control and Spontaneous Remission of Cancer of the Breast, Prostate, Lung, Colon, Liver, Pancreas, Brain, Bone, Lymph Gland or Skin Melanoma.

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, IBD, IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, Candida & Others.

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus and Autoimmune Diet Program.

Top Ten Nutritional Myths, Distortions and Lies That Will Destroy Your Heath.

Myths, Distortions and Lies About Beef.

Proof Saturated Fats Are Healthy.

Dietary Fiber Theory. Scientific Proof Fiber in the Diet is Unhealthy.

Exposing the Myths, Dangers and Lies About Organic Food.

Common Recommendations That Are Wrong

Exercises and Water Aerobics Will Not Rebuild the Back

Back exercises and water aerobics will not rebuild the back or reverse degenerative disc disease as commonly promised. Treadmills and elliptical training machines will not rebuild your back. Most people with back problems can well attest to this fact. Strains and tears of the ligaments, tendons and muscles heal naturally without exercise. Healing occurs even though back exercises are done, not because the exercises are done. This give the false impression that the exercises helped in the healing. This assumption is wrong. Actually, the exercise slows the healing and frequently does more damage. The best treatments for sprains and strains of ligaments, tendons and muscles are immobilization followed by small movements that do not cause pain. We do not want to move our back when it hurts for good reason. The movements actually prevent or slow the healing process. Nearly all back exercises are done in the vertical position with the back in compression. These exercises multiply the compressive stress on the discs and facet joints. Do not do back exercises in an attempt to heal the back. Movement of the upper body off center increases the pressure on the discs.

Warning! Bending the back as far forward as possible with the chin down toward the chest is especially dangerous. The exercise instructor may ask the participant to apply an additional downward load by placing both hands on the toes and pulling downward. Do not perform this exercise because it is very dangerous. The discs are highly compressed in an eccentric manner that is most likely to cause the disc to rupture. Never place eccentric compressive loads on the head. Any compressive load on the head is bad, but eccentric compressive loads are extremely dangerous. Tilting the upper body to the side or backward will increase the compression. Pulling the upper body farther to the side with one hand is very bad for the discs, facet joints, ligament and tendons. Refuse to do these exercises and discontinue all treatment with any exercise instructor, physical therapist or chiropractor who tries to make you perform them.

Yoga Will Not Rebuild the Back

Yoga will not rebuild the back or reverse degenerative disc disease as commonly promised. Most people with back problems can well attest to this fact. Yoga moves are very similar to commonly recommended back exercises and have all of the same negative problems. Many yoga positions are much more dangerous than common exercises. Actually, yoga slows the healing of discs, facet joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. Yoga makes degenerative disc disease worse. You may feel better after a few of the initial yoga exercise because of your preexisting mental bias, but a review of your condition a year after starting yoga will show your condition is worse. Yoga instructors typically recommend a vegetarian diet that is one of the primary causes of degenerative disc disease.

Warning! One yoga position is extremely dangerous even for young people with perfectly healthy backs. This is the yoga position whereby the person starts by lying flat on his/her back. The arms and upper body are rolled upward into a sitting position. The hands are held outright to grasp the toes. The body is pulled farther forward as far as possible. The back is bent almost 90 degrees forward in the area of the L1 through L5 lumbar vertebrae. The eccentric compressive loads on the lumbar discs are extreme. Herniation and/or rupture of the discs could occur instantly.

All yoga exercises done in the vertical standing or sitting position are also bad for the back. Do not do any yoga exercises in an attempt to heal the back.

Berkeley Parents Network: Back Problems

"Someone recommended yoga for back problems. While I also have practiced yoga and love it, I have been injured/reinjured three or four times while practicing it. The most recent time was while taking a yoga class from the movement instructor from my chiropractor's office! She was aware of my particular problem, yet even she with her years of experience was not able to guide me so that I didn't aggravate my problem. I just assumed that since she had vast experience with back problems that the yoga postures she was teaching me would be fine. Wrong!"

Pilates Exercises Will Not Rebuild the Back

Pilates exercises are generally not harmful to the back. Neither will they do much good. The exercises have no effect in overcoming catabolism of the spine when the catabolic hormones are raging. The pilates equipment is also expensive. The perceived health improvement from doing pilates exercises is basically psychological.

Physical Therapy Will Not Rebuild the Back

Physical therapy will not rebuild the back or reverse degenerative disc disease as commonly promised. Therapy moves performed in the horizontal position may not be detrimental, but physical therapy performed in the vertical position will most likely cause additional damage to the back and spine. Therapy movements of the body while standing or sitting upright cause increased eccentric pressure on the lumbar discs.

Warning! Bending the back as far forward as possible with the chin down toward the chest is especially dangerous. The physical therapist may ask the participant to apply an additional downward load by placing both hands on the toes and pulling downward. Do not perform this exercise because it is very dangerous. The discs are highly compressed in an eccentric manner that is most likely to cause the disc to rupture. Never place eccentric compressive loads on the head. Any compressive load on the head is bad, but eccentric compressive loads are extremely dangerous. Tilting the upper body to the side or backward will increase the compression. Pulling the upper body farther to the side with one hand is very bad for the discs, facet joints, ligament and tendons. Refuse to do these exercises and discontinue all treatment with any exercise instructor, physical therapist or chiropractor who tries to make you perform them.

Physical Therapy (PT) Can Make Your Back Worse.

"My doctor wants me to go for PT, but my back hurts worse than it did when I was originally diagnosed with three herniated discs."

Massage Therapy Will Not Rebuild the Back

Massage therapy is generally done on a table with the patient in a horizontal position. This position is much better than the vertical position generally used in yoga and exercise. The massage may feel good because it increases blood flow, but deep massage can also make the condition worse when excessive pressure causes further damage to the already injured tissues.

Warning! Do not believe the massage therapist who tells you the pain is good. Leave and never go back. Pain is not gain.

Body and Head Weights Used in a Harness are Dangerous

The natural weight of the upper body is one of the contributing causes of degenerative disc disease. Some chiropractors are applying additional weight to the head and/or body with the use of a harness. This practice is bad for healthy people and most certainly should never be done to patients with degenerative disc disease.

Warning! This chiropractic procedure is dangerous and harmful. This procedure can instantly increase pain and discomfort. Do not go to a chiropractor who uses this technique. Grab your back and run.

Medical Doctors Generally Prescribe Drugs and Perform Surgery

Medical doctors are trained to prescribe drugs and perform surgeries in the attempt to eliminate the symptoms of degenerative disc disease. These methods are not intended to reverse degenerative disc disease. Doctors rarely have a comprehensive, non invasive program to reverse degenerative disc disease. The prescription drugs are given in an attempt to relieve some of the pain, but these are not very effective as most sufferers will testify. These drugs also have harsh side effects. The drugs do not heal the back and do not reverse degenerative disc disease.

The surgical approach is the best solution for many back problems. One necessary surgery is the removal of the gelatinous nucleus pulposus that extrudes from the center of a disc when it ruptures. Quick action is recommended to prevent permanent damage to the spinal cord in some cases. The bulge of a herniated disc can be trimmed away to eliminate pressure on the spinal cord and/or nerve roots thereby relieving the pain. This procedure has the negative side effect of weakening an already damaged disc. The entire disc can be replaced with a synthetic disc or one from a cadaver, but disc replacement can have considerable negative consequences. The symptoms of a thinning disc can be eliminated by locking the spacing of the vertebrae using plates and screws. In some cases two adjacent vertebrae are allowed to fuse together with transplanted bone to replace the surgically removed disc. Some of these procedures give a fairly good result, but many disastrous complication are also common. The program presented here is very low risk, but a complete medical diagnosis should not be delayed before starting this program. Medical conditions such as tumors and/or cancer should be ruled out by a doctor before attempting chiropractic manipulations or traction. It is therefore advisable to have a complete diagnosis performed by a medical doctor before proceeding with the program present here.

The Latest News in Reversing Degenerative Disc Disease

Height Loss of 1.2" (3cm) Signals High Heart Disease Risk - December 12, 2006.

"But those who lost 3cm in height were 64% more likely to die than those who lost less than 1cm." Fortunately, the diet presented here will prevent the loss of height caused by degenerative disc disease and will prevent heart disease.

Reversing Heart Disease, Heart Attack, Coronary Artery Disease, Stent, HDL and LDL Cholesterol Success Stories

Beating Lower Back Pain -- Without Surgery - ABC News - November 22, 2006.

"Study Shows That Patients Get Same Benefits Regardless of Whether or Not They Choose the Knife.

Nov. 22, 2006 — Patients suffering from lower back pain could get the same benefits in pain relief and function from nonsurgical treatment as from back surgery, a new study shows. Low back pain is one of the most common complaints doctors hear from their patients, but choosing the best treatment has long been a mystery. New research in The Journal of the American Medical Association today suggests that patients who opt for nonsurgical treatments can get the same benefits in pain reduction and function in the long term as those who chose surgery. "This confirms what we already know about [back pain]," says Dr. William Richardson, an orthopedic surgeon at Duke University Medical Center. "Patients get better quicker with surgery, but long-term results are no different." "These studies will become the worldwide standard of care for patients who suffer from herniated discs," says Dr. Mark Brown, chairman emeritus of the Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation at the University of Miami in Florida. "This should eliminate the wide regional variation in numbers of disc surgeries performed in the U.S. today.""

New Procedure Uses Synthetic Disc Gel to Fight Back Pain - September 15, 2006.

Johnson & Johnson Chirate Spinal Disc Under Fire - September 10, 2006.

Scan shows child spine damage - BBC News - December 2, 2003.

"Some 10-year-old children are already showing signs of damage normally seen in adults with bad backs. Detailed scans of more than 150 Scottish children revealed slight tearing and bulging of the discs that cushion the spinal vertebrae."

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness or nutrition regimen. The information contained in this online site and email is presented in summary form only and intended to provide broad consumer understanding and knowledge of dietary supplements. The information should not be considered complete and should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation or advice of your physician or other health care provider. We do not recommend the self-management of health problems. Information obtained by using our services is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions or their treatment. Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other health care provider promptly. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here. We strongly suggest you select a physician who is knowledgeable and supportive of the low-carbohydrate diet. Many of the physicians listed on this page have health clinics.

Drugs and Doctors May be the Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.