ive been having shoulder problems for the past 3 monthes. ive tried physical therapy, am on anti-inflammatories, and my shoulder is tapes...i was in the shower before and i noticed a lump on my collarbone on that same side. could this be causing my pain ??? and also, i got a mri without injection and they (my team of doctors which include 3 pts, 2 sports medicine doctors, and my radiologist that have been working on my case) are thinking of sending my to cheo because to get a mri with injection! does this hurt?? they may send me to a surgeon to preform exploratory surgery, or just send my in for observation, as my pain spikes sometimes. IM ONLY 13!!! in my mri they found benign nodes...what does that mean???
could it be that they are not benign ? please help!!!!!!!!
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