It could indeed be Tinnitus.
This extremely irritating and stressful condition of the ear is usually not caused by any external noise. This auditory sensation, or ringing in the ears, as it is widely known affects thousands of people. It involves a ringing noise in the ears which may or may not be accompanied by hearing loss. Although many tinnitus sufferers can hear perfectly well, some others experience such loud ringing in the ears that other sounds are virtually blocked out. This severe condition renders them helpless as they loose sleep and concentration.
Tinnitus can be broadly classified into two types: Objective which is caused by vascular sounds in the head and neck or muscular contractions of the middle ear or the soft palate in the mouth. Your doctor can easily hear the same sounds on examination as you are yourself hearing.
Subjective tinnitus refers to buzzing, roaring, ringing or whistling in the ear which may be continuous or intermittent and are only heard by the sufferer, i.e. a doctor is unable to hear the same sounds. Subjective tinnitus is more common than objective tinnitus. Nearly 36 million Americans suffer from this disorder. In almost all cases, only the patient can hear the noise.
There is actually no cure for tinnitus with the conventional medicine. And, since last many years, the onus has been on the herbal industry to provide relief, if any, to tinnitus sufferers.
Tinnitus is usually due to damage to the microscopic ends of the hearing nerve in the inner ear. Perfect hearing is possible only if these nerves remain healthy and any damage to these nerves results in tinnitus or hearing impairment.
Some herbal remedies exist which can be used to support all body systems involved in helping the ear to perform its tasks of clear hearing and balance, as well as the circulatory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems.
Some of the most common herbs & biochemic tissue salts used are
• Ginkgo Biloba is excellent for a number of cerebral and circulatory disorders. It is probably the most widely-used herb for tinnitus and many sufferers swear by this natural ingredient.
• Rosemary dilates and strengthens blood vessels and is an excellent circulation tonic. Rosemary is particularly useful for tinnitus that is caused or worsened by high blood pressure and other circulatory conditions.
• Avena Sativa is effective in reducing high cholesterol levels which can contribute to circulatory problems which cause tinnitus.
• Wild Hyssop is also useful in reducing pain and inflammation.
• Salicylic Ac. (30C) is indicated for tinnitus with loud roaring or ringing sounds, which may be accompanied by deafness or vertigo. This remedy is particularly useful in people whose symptoms began with a bout of flu, Meniere’s disease or long-term use of aspirin.
• Ferrum phosphoricum (Ferrum phos. D6) is a homeopathic biochemic tissue salt which supports the absorption of iron in the body. The protective myelin sheath which surrounds all nerve tissue needs iron to supply this vital nutrient to the nerve cells it encases. Regular use of Ferrum phos. can help to prevent dizziness, headaches and restlessness and is of great benefit for those who tend to feel irritable, tense and tired.
• Magnesium phosphate (Mag. phos. D6) well-known as a homeopathic painkiller, Mag. phos. is also of great benefit to the health of the nerves. It acts as a natural anti-spasmodic and a nerve and muscle relaxant and is also frequently recommended for stress headaches.
Hope all this helps
Good Luck!
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