No, dont use Tramadol, for goodness sake, you should check with your doctor before you take any medication, you need to have some tests to get a proper diagnosis in order to get appropriate treatment.
Bio yogurt is a good probiotic to take, if you get a live bio yogurt it will taste creamy and mild, not sour at all, add a few berries and some good Manuka honey.
I suggest that you drink herbal teas that are known to be soothing and calming for the digestive system, chamomile/peppermint/ginger/fennel are all good, sweeten with a little Manuka honey, drink these teas two or three times a day, even on days when you dont have any symptoms.
Make sure you get a good balance of rest, exercise, fresh air and try to eat as healthy as possible, cut out sugar, junk food and cut down on carby, starchy foods, but eat plenty of vegetables, fruit, protein (meat, fish, eggs, bio yogurt,cheese, tofu, nuts and seeds) and never use margarine or processed oils, healthiest fats are butter, unprocessed coconut oil, ghee, cold pressed oils on salads. Drink plenty water, diluted squash, fruit/herbal teas and you will be doing your best to support your body to be healthy inside and out.
I hope you feel better very soon.
I wish you all the best x