If you are in the US your first resource should probably be the National MS Society website
they have lots of resources for your wife's new diagnosis, and probably have a list of online and real world support groups.
Online, I have found
are good starting points, She would probably get a lot out of an in person support group local to you.
Remember, everyone with MS has a different experience. She can still live a full life, but may need to make adjustments. No need to worry until it's time to worry.
The 2 best pieces of advice I always give are
1) If you can see a MS specialist for your MS care that would be best. They are more completely focused on MS then a general neurologist. They keep up with the latest advances in treatment more thoroughly. You can find MS Centers from the National MS Society.
2) She (and you) are the most important member of her health care team. Inform yourselves by researching reputable sources online and ask questions from your health care providers, and make sure that they give you an answer you fully understand.
Kurt - MS patient since 1996