My fiance doesnt want me speaking to him or even ABOUT him. I originally told him I wouldnt but he was sicker than I thought and may not be alive in a year. His friend messaged me and my fiance saw it and was upset because he saw I still touch base occasionally with my ex to see how he is. My ex has two kids whom I was practically a step mother to for 6 years from when they were 2 and 3 to 8 and 9. It's not like it's just a guy I dated for a few weeks. Anyway, I have no feelings for my ex at all but I would talk to a stranger if they needed someone to talk to. I'm just that kind of person. My fiance told me if I continue touching base with him or even talkin to his friend about him, he will end our relationship. I am thinking why is it that I cant? I mentioned that I havent even seen him in years and it aint inappropriate at all. Keep in mind he has a son so he is always in contact with his ex he shares a kid with. [Although that is a little different.] I just think that I will be upset with myself if I wasnt there for him to message when needed. Like I would feel guilty when he dies because I wasnt there to help him through the bad times. All he wants is someone to talk to about him being sick. Is that such a harsh thing??