MMR-Autism, can you skip the shot?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
MMR-Autism, can you skip the shot?
Fourteen answers:
men in black
2007-10-19 19:28:07 UTC
Vaccines may have their place but the current one size fits all vaccine schedule is dangerous, unnecessary and frankly stupid. The more you dig into it the worse it smells.

You can and should delay vaccinating until your child is older. Should you decide to vaccinate the MMR should be broken down to individual shots-watch for any reaction.

Your doctor likely doesn't have a clue and probably won't want to do what you ask. Tell him he may inject anything he wants in his kids and you will decide what is injected into yours.

Just go to the sites and learn what you won't hear from your idiot government or the vaccine manufactures.


regarding the poster that says"there is no scientific evidence to suggest a link between MMR and autism"

There is no scientific evidence it DOES NOT CAUSE AUTISM EITHER. There actually is a TON of evidence that SUGGESTS a link-just none that proves it-nice play on words but no cigar.

There are however thousands of parents, doctors and scientists who think it may be linked.

You can link to a safer vaccine schedule from the Generation Rescue website below.

Good Luck and God Bless
2007-10-20 13:04:40 UTC
I live in Carteret County, NC, and since my grandson was diagnosed with autism (he is almost 3), vaccines have become a big concern for my daughter, just because she is unsure about the safety of the shots. Anyway, she had to meet with the board of education just a few weeks ago about perhaps enrolling her son in preschool, and she asked if he would have to have the shots to go to public school, because she wasn't going to have him vaccinated. The person she spoke with said that now, since there is an autism and vaccines controversy, you can sign a waiver saying your child will not receive the vaccines. She told my daughter that there are lots of parents not getting the vaccines for a second child after the first child was diagnosed with autism. Now this is in NC, but perhaps your friend could contact the school board or pediatrician for advice. There should be a website for the laws regarding immunizations in Texas. Maybe just do a Google search for "immunization laws AND Texas".
Martine S
2007-10-22 01:26:30 UTC
The answer to the MMR / Autism link lies not within the vaccine medicine or the preservative "Thimersol". The answer most likely lies in an allergy to egg product. Egg product is used in many - but not all vaccines as a binding agent. Three things must come into play before a child will deterioriate after an MMR vaccine. 1). The child must have a genetic predisposition to Autism. 2). The vaccine must be one that contains egg product. 3). The child must have an allergy to egg product. Autistic children have had MMR vaccines without any deterioration in functioning, however they probably did not have an allergy to egg products, or the vaccine was not one using egg product. My suggestion is to first have your child tested for food allergies as many people on the Autistic Spectrum have allergies to wheat, gluten, dairy, and eggs. My answer is not from a scientific medical study as no study to date has been conducted on my theory. So I cannot guarantee that this is completely correct, but do feel that having your child tested for allergies first is a good precaution as when we give our children vaccines, we have no idea of how the vaccine will affect the individual child - such as allergic reactions. Hope this answer is of some help. A bit about me, I'm a 51 year old woman with Asperger's Syndrome. Since my diagnosis in 2001, I have studied in the field, and have an interest in Neurology and Genetics. My theory came from reading a book about vaccines and the 1918 flu pandemic, and a visit to the doctor's office where a sign on the office wall said " If you are allergic to eggs, you cannot have a flu vaccine", as well as my ability to focus and think in direct logic. Best of luck. Martine.
2007-10-19 15:56:56 UTC
yes you absolutely can, and there are more than thousands of people that believe the mmr shots are responsible because it is the ONLY connection to why 1 in every 100 boys and girls are autistic and it happens right around the age when these shots are given, my son is autistic so I also will not allow this shot for him, and I tell everyone to skip it. there was a huge march on washington earlier this year about this very thing. parents want answers. pharmaceutical companies once said it was not possible, doctors said no the shots are harmless. but now the center for diesease control has said they "they don't know" to us parents that is an admittance. they change their views from "NO, it is not caused by mmr" to "WE don't know for sure that its not caused by mmr" that to us parents of autistic children is a big leap. check out Oprah winfrey website she had two guest stars on that show who recently found out there son was autistic, they did an answer and question live online and gave out phone number to call. she should still have a lot of information about the movement to get the government to admit the immunizations is the cause and she said some children are more sensitive then others, uhm.... there is a perservative in the mmr that some researchers believe is the culprit. here in michigan there is a measles out break could be because people aren't getting the shots. as a parent you have the right to say no. and the school must respect that right, you just have to sign a waiver. no I would not mess with the mmr. imunizations untill they get this whole mess under control.
2007-10-23 18:14:00 UTC
I checked, and your friend can get an exemption based on religious or medical, but not philosophical, reasons. Here's a link to send her that explains the religious exemption. She does NOT have to belong to a church that is against vaccines.

I do believe there is a link between autism and ALL vaccines, not just those containing mercury. Send her this link, too, it shows the ingredients in the vaccines.

I do not believe it is the SOLE source of autism, though, or my child would not be autistic, because he's never received a single shot. I believe that these kids are born with autism in them, but it takes environmental factors to trigger it. Their immune systems typically are under-developed, making them more susceptible to poisoning from things like chemicals in foods and cleaning products we use, and more 'allergic' to toxins and ingredients that are in the vaccines and every day household items. For my son, signs were there from birth, and I believe that it's whatever I was exposed to when I was pregnant with him. But who really knows. The important thing is, we as parents need to do whatever we can to safeguard our children, and in your friend's case, it doesn't matter why her child is autistic. All she can do know is try her best to keep it from getting worse or regressing. I believe she's totally right that receiving ANY other vaccines could cause a regression, but nobody can say for sure. In the end, she has to do what she feels is right.

A couple of things were brought up that she's going to hear a lot, that I want to address. First, is the old 'remember how bad the diseases are that we vaccinate for'. Nobody on the anti-vaccine side is saying these things are not bad. But there is no sound proof that vaccinating caused these diseases to diminish; these diseases were already on the decline when vaccines were first introduced, so you can't say that the vaccines made them vanish. And, some of the diseases we vaccinate for are only contracted by the person who has received the vaccine in the first place. So, yes, she could vaccinate against them, but there's no 100% guarantee that her child will not get that disease, and it could very well cause the child to get the disease she was hoping he wouldn't get! Also, when you look at epidemics in the US, they are always in communities that typically vaccinate, not communities that as a whole don't vaccinate, like Amish communities. What does that say about vaccine effectiveness?

The second argument is 'there's no proof that vaccines cause autism'. That is half right. There is no proof that vaccines CAUSE autism, but there are no studies done to see if they can CONTRIBUTE to autism. At least not done by the medical community, because that would cause a lot of payouts due to lawsuits if people found out the truth. But there are many smaller studies out there (you have to look for them) that support that they can contribute to autism. However, here's my issue. Science and the medical community is ALWAYS changing their mind on 'scientific evidence', so I don't rely on it. We all can think of different scenarios where we're told 'this works' or 'this causes this', only to have them change their mind 10 years later. When it comes to kids, that's not reliable enough. I will not wait for someone to tell me that I was right all along, instead I will use my own common sense about what I'm allowing to be put into my kids bodies. Please pass all of this onto her, because unfortunately we live in a society that doesn't respect parents rights to make choices for their kids, and she's going to need to understand why those of us against vaccines, are against them. Kudos to you for doing some research for her, that is a true friend, whether you agree with her or not.
2007-10-19 22:08:14 UTC
I know a mother with a guilty conscience. She finally gave in recently to the demands of the pediatrician and her husband to give the MMR to their unvaccinated child. The child had a severe allergic reaction and the mother is hysterical. Vaccines are safe? NOT. To the terribly misinformed people out there who are in denial, vaccines are not safe for all children. The child was perfectly normal and time will only tell if this child was permanently damaged. This is a true story. The mother is going to follow a natural antiviral therapy given to measles victims. She will never trust conventional doctors again.

Don' let anyone make you feel guilty for not vaccinating your child or delaying vaccinations until the child is older. Your gut instinct is probably right. My own pediatrician said if I had another child, they would not vaccinate until after 2, because my son developed autism and wanted to make sure it was not a delayed reaction to vaccines.

I am not anti vaccines. My own autistic son has ALL of the shots but he will not be given anymore. His immune system is now damaged and is developing numerous food allergies.

I personally hold the toy industry responsible for giving my son lead. I will never find out the truth where his mercury toxicity came from. I have medical proof from reputable laboratories who are certified by the US to perform testing.

I am also tired of people who say that parents are lying. The test results do not lie.

You can get a religious or medical waiver. The school system cannot deny your child entry with the exemptions.

If this MMR is the booster, get a measles, mumps and rubella titer before giving the shots. My son had immunity to mumps and rubella after the first shot. He only needed to get the measles shot. This is a safer because only the vaccine needed is given. Good luck.
2007-10-20 12:22:13 UTC
Thiomersal is the vaccine preservative which contains Mercury. It is the Mercury that many believe could be linked to autism. Thiomersal-free vaccines are definitely available as we now request from our doctor that all of our child's inoculations are Thiomersal-free.

The jury is still out, and the causes of Autism Spectrum Disorders are not known, but why take a chance when there is a solution that still allows for vaccination while avoiding a potential cause.
2007-10-20 00:51:42 UTC
I believe TX is one of the states u can get out of shots with. Only two states requier shots (and even then there are ways around it) Mississippi is one, I forget the other.

You will need to sign forms saying you disagree with shots for religious or philosophical reasons (depends on your state.)

You DO NOT have to vaccinate your children and its NO ONE's business why u dont want to!

I believe there is a connection between shots and autism but I also believe genetics and environment play a role too. However I do not get shots for religious reasons.

Stand strong on whichever u decide--your kids, your choice!!
2007-10-24 14:19:12 UTC
hi there. in the uk we are lucky at the moment - we have a choice to vaccinate or not. i chose not to give my son mmr because i have seen two children in my family suffer at its hands and our department of health will never admit just how flawed and dangerous the vaccine is because it would cost them too much and people would realise there are many other things besides mmr they arent telling us.

from what i know, your friend can get a religious or medical exemption, or if she is left with no choice then up sticks and move to a country where she will have the choice. i know its hard for any parent, it was a nightmare for me because i knew what happened with my sister and cousin, but i think that MMR is definitely not a risk worth taking and i wont let my son become a statistic nobody will find out about. i encourage you to help your friend and show her these answers and both of you do research and you will find millions of accounts from parents who either chose not to have mmr or have to watch their children live with the results from it. but my advice is as i say to any parent, at my nursery or just friends or people on here - research it for yourself and make your own choice based on what you find. for me, there was too much for it to be coincidence and i think your friend may find the same. good luck.
michael z
2007-10-24 23:20:37 UTC

I also have an autistic son who will be 13 in December. I would urge your friend not to get any additional vaccinations especially the MMR. If she chooses to go ahead with the vaccination #1 make sure its not the "old stock" that's still floating around. the old stock was never recalled it was just left out there until the supply was exhausted. Its loaded with mercury, 50x more than the EPA recommends as the maximum exposure for an adult.

In my opinion she's better off avoiding it all together. In most cases the only way that you can not vaccinate your child for public school purposes is a religous exemption letter copies of which are readily available on the internet. Many parents opt for home schooling also. Its funny how I keep hearing that if your child isn't vaccinated that your endangering other kids. Think about this how can my unvaccinated child endanger another child if they already have been vaccinated? they're vaccinated, the only kids who would be at risk are other unvaccinated kids. this is one of many outright lies you will hear from the scientific community. trust me on this listen to the parents. In my sons case he was a happy healthy baby at 12 mos. We have video on his birthday 12/8/94 speaking about 12 words on the tape that day on 12/22/94 he received his first MMR shot, later that evening he developed a 106 fever and has never spoken a word since. We also have video from 12/25/94 showing full regressive autism. Only 1 event took place in those 17 days, the mmr shot. it took us until he was 2 yrs 9 mos to finally get a diagnosis. Back then the odds of having a child with autism were 1/10,000 now its 1/150? Another frequent lie is that the increase in cases is resultant from better diagnosis. If that were true where are all the Adult autism patients?

How about its genetic? No its impossible to have a genetic epedemic by definition. The truth of the matter is the incidence rate rose in direct correlation to Merck drugs introduction of the 3 dose vials of MMR with thimerosal. Good luck to your friend.
Renee C
2007-10-26 23:40:35 UTC
I too am worried about getting my son his shots. He is only 4 months but I teach and have been working with an autistic child who is wonderful and has made me want to find out more about his world. I really can't help you with your question about your state but I can tell you to tell your friend about threelac. My student started taking it to get his body to excrete yeast that is built up in his system, alot of kids with autism have it built up in their system. I cried after he was on it. His speech has improved, his ability to sit and listen to a story, his wanting to be involved, etc. This is not a cure and does not work for all autistic children but I can actually say that I have witnessed it work, and his speech teacher, and DD teacher agree.
larry L
2007-10-19 15:59:20 UTC
This is nothing but mass hysteria by mothers with guilty consciences. It's insane. There is no link. There is no logic or evidence or even a decent theoretical construct as to how vaccinations could cause autism. If mothers keep this up childhood diseases are going to make a comeback, and this time they will be stronger than ever. They are going to kill our children with their craziness.

As for the apparent correlation between the onset of autism and vaccinations; that's not the only one. Using the same logic it can be shown that teething causes autism. Walking and talking cause autism. Also, toilet training, weaning, getting scolded for masturbating, etc. all cause autism.

Incidentally; there is no reason for the guilty consciences. In spite of idiot misrepresentations, even Bettelheim insisted mothers are not to blame for autism. And it's not caused by thimerosal either.

P.S: The suggestion that truamatic allergic reactions to vaccine causes autism is reasonable enough. Unfortunately, that validates Bettelheim who insisted that any trauma can result in autism.
dinah m
2007-10-21 19:41:27 UTC
People seem to forget that measles kills thousands of children worldwide every year, and causes brain damage in many thousand more; and rubella in a pregnant woman can cause complete hearing loss, brain damage and various physical disabilities in the foetus she's carrying; mumps of course causes sterility in many men.

All of these are worse than autism, please take a look at, eg the Posautive Youtube group at

for some of the evidence
2007-10-19 15:38:44 UTC
this has been completely debunked

there is no scientific evidence to suggest a link between MMR and autism

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.